Home Bible Study Group

We thank God and Praise Him for the many blessings He has showered upon the Members of the Divya Shanthi Church.

We specially thank God for leading our then Presbyter-in-Charge and now Bishop, Rev. Prasana Kumar Samuel, for starting Home Bible study groups in the year 2013. We can never thank him enough for the many and big blessings he has brought to our Church. Our journey began with seven Bible Study Groups, and initially we started with the Book of James and every group completed this book, and in a few months, we then proceeded to the Book of Ephesians.

At this juncture, we noticed that attendance at our Bible Study groups began to deteriorate and before we knew it, most of the members groups had stopped coming together. As Church we were deeply saddened by this outcome and thought this was a tragedy for the Word of God, for our Church, its members and all of us as believers. Study group leaders and church elders prayed earnestly to revive attendance at our Bible Study groups, but were not successful.

After Rev. Christopher Samuel took charge of Divya Shanthi Church, he immediately convened meetings with the resource leaders and area leaders to revive the Bible Study. We pray that God will speak to members of our congregation and help them understand the importance of learning the Word of God in greater detail and depth.

The Kammanahalli Study Group:

By God's grace the Kammanahalli study group is growing stronger, we are thrilled and proud and blessed by the participation of this group. Over the last five years, this study group has grown as a family and we have been enriched by our spiritual conversations with each other. After we completed the Book of Ephesians, one of our members asked if we could study the Book of Revelation. This book is often ignored or not mentioned too much in our church activities or in Christian literature. Some parts of the book are fearful, some chapters are mysterious, hard to understand, and very complex. So shouldn't it be the perfect book to study.

With our Pastor's approval and permission this group started to study the Book of Revelation in January 2016, completed the book in the year 2017 and from April 2018 this group started to study the Book of Acts, and moving forward strongly in learning the Word of God, praising God and thanking the Church for its encouragement.
We also thank our Pastor for conducting the day long Bible study session on the Book of Amos and also again conducting a day long Bible Study on the Book of Galatians.

The Bible Study is conducted once a month on Friday evenings. Young and old come together.
We ask every member of the Church to pray on two matters:

  • We need God’s blessings to continue to enrich the growth of the bible study groups.
  • May every member of our Church also find a way to draw closer to the Word of God.

On behalf of the Bible Study group we would like to thank our Bishop for starting the Home Bible Study group. We also very specially thank Rev. Christopher Samuel, the Presbyter-in-Charge for all his support and encouragement for the Bible Study.